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What to know before buying a weighbridge

13 April, 2020
What to know before buying a weighbridge

When deciding that you need a weighbridge, you must form a team responsible for that decision. This team will be responsible, among other things, for the following steps:

  • Evaluating and selecting a truck scale supplier: search for multiple potential suppliers and narrow the list down to two or three suppliers. Then, ask those suppliers to take you to places with a weighbridge with the same characteristics as those proposed, preferably installed some time ago. This will give you an idea of the real shopping experience. Take the opportunity to ask questions about maintenance, namely the frequency of preventive maintenance. Also ask about unplanned detentions, namely whether there is a need to replace load cells, and how long these stops typically take. Also investigate the timing for calibrations and / or verifications. Finally, compare the offers you have in hand, namely which items / services are included in the final price.
  • Size of the truck scale: in case you need to weigh the complete truck, the weighbridge must be long enough for all the wheels of the truck. This means a length usually between 18m and 21m for semi-trailers and up to 30m for trucks with double trailers. The maximum length of a truck is usually defined by the competent regional or national authorities. As for the width, usually 3m wide is sufficient. In case you need a wider truck scale, there is a possibility to obtain a wider one. Barbal ® offers versions with larger widths upon request.

There are 3 types of configuration possible for the weighbridge. You must weigh all the pros and cons of each option and choose the most suitable option for your business.

  • Axle weighbridge: used to weigh vehicles axle by axle, totaling the total weight of the vehicle at the end. Many customers choose this type of scale for economical reasons. However, they are less accurate.
  • Complete weighbridge: platforms usually composed of several modules connected together and long enough to receive the complete truck. It is the most common type of truck scale, given the need for certification for legal trade.
  • Multi-axle weighbridge: very similar to the complete weighbridge, but with a substantial difference. Instead of interconnected modules, each module or set of modules has its own set of load cells, allowing you to view the weight of each predefined axle or set of axles, as well as the weight of the complete truck. This is the most expensive solution, because it requires additional load cells and other components.

Get in touch with us and we will be happy to guide you through the process of choosing your weighbridge.

Rua Regos lote 3 a 5 - Zona Industrial de Cabreiros
4705-384 Cabreiros, Portugal

+351 253 912 120